Welcome back, dear old blog
After years without a blog, we have decided we have some things to say now, and this will be the place to do it. So first of all, thank you for reading us!
A few years ago, when we decided to update the studio's website, we thought, "Why do we need a blog? It's a hassle to maintain and not worth the effort." Time has only proven us wrong.
Things not only need to be done...
During the past few years, we have grown tremendously professionally, and we have completed some truly incredible projects. We automated an industrial kitchen, managing recipes, controlling and timing different cooking zones from a tablet. We created a platform for an online writing community with over 150,000 registered users. We designed and developed a job portal in Angular and connected it to Salesforce, which is performing extremely well. And soon, we'll be launching our own app: a pilot course on fermentation using a gastronomic training platform that we built from scratch.
To date, we haven't advertised or shared any of our work anywhere. The only ones who know what we do are our clients, who have been with us for years and continue to come back to us. We're incredibly grateful for their loyalty. However, over the years, the pandemic, and even some happy retirements have left some of our loyal clients out of the game. As a result, we now have more available time than we used to.
... they need to be told
That's why we want to start sharing our expertise and know-how. We know that there are many companies looking for a team like ours - agile, versatile, and highly competent technologically. But we also want to choose wisely our next dancing partners.

After more than ten non-stop years, we're looking for interesting projects that require continuity. We want to continue taking on challenging projects, designing new products, finding solutions to problems that allow us to push technology to its limits, and building long-term relationships.
To rectify is wise. That's why we need this space more than ever. Not Twitter, not Instagram, and definitely not TikTok (we're getting a little old for that). We want to tell our stories, our way, and share everything that interests us, what we do best, and what we can bring to your project.
In future posts, we'll share in detail our current technological stack and the type of projects we are ideally looking for. In the meantime, if your company or project is looking for a design and technology partner and you think we'd be a good match, don't hesitate to drop us a line.