Why work with a company like Lostium?
We are always looking for clients with more ambitious projects that pose a greater challenge for us. Despite our small size, we want to convince you that we can provide more value in designing and developing solutions for your company compared to larger consulting firms, agencies, or companies.
Over the years, we have worked on projects of all types and for companies of different sizes, from micro-enterprises like ours to large corporations with hundreds of employees. In the latter case, it has always been because someone who knew us previously recommended our work, and someone within that company saw our competitive advantage and took a leap of faith in trusting a small team like ours.
But not all jobs come after a recommendation. The main drawback we usually encounter when presenting proposals to companies of a certain size (and we mean really large companies) that do not know us is this: "We like your proposal, but we will need a larger team to execute it." Do you need it? Really? Experience, once the initial fear of delegating to a small team has been overcome, tells us no, but there is a certain fear of "falling short" and not meeting expectations. And if there's one thing we like in our case, it's meeting your expectations and, if possible, exceeding them.
That's why we're going to give you some reasons that may help you clear your doubts and encourage you to work with us. Ultimately, this decalogue that has been forged over the years condenses the commitment we make when you hire our services, and we carry it with us to ensure that our experience working together is always the best possible:
1. Simplified communication
We will speak clearly to you. No bullshit. Because we want you to understand us and have no doubts. In our case, you won't have to first talk to a sales team, interpret and translate their jargon, only to finally understand that the design or development team speaks a different language that you don't fully understand either.
We like clear communication and we will do everything possible to make sure you understand us. Even when we get a little "freaky" talking about the latest technologies. In that regard, we like to be didactic with the technological part because we believe it is important for our clients to know and be up-to-date on the latest developments so that they better understand the details of the products they will receive.
You can count on us to answer all your questions, and nothing pleases us more than a good "tech consultancy" session.
2. Reduced response times
This has always been a differentiating point for our clients, and we receive continuous praise and congratulations for it. If you are used to waiting a week for your requests to be answered, we will reveal that another world is possible. When you discover that emails can be answered on the same day, and in most cases in a few minutes, you will be amazed. And we will also show you that the phone is unnecessary in the vast majority of cases.
However, we have a working day that usually ends at 6:00 p.m. We like to honor and respect it, and we hope you do too. Full steam ahead with work-life balance!
3. Close and personalized attention
We have few clients, this cannot be otherwise in a company of our size. That's why each one of them is important to us, we take care of them and give them all the attention they deserve. For us, once you are a member of "our select club of clients", you will always be important, regardless of the size or budget of your project.
We do not have priority or favorite clients because they are all important.
In addition, and regardless of the size of the company you work for, we always keep in mind that we are dealing with people, and as such, we have our own circumstances, moments, and personal situations, and we try to be respectful and understanding of that. Not losing sight of this also makes us better.
4. Honest solutions
It's even wrong to admit it, but on many occasions, we have discouraged our clients from carrying out certain projects. If there is already a commercial tool for your needs, or if you intend to oversize your platform or if what you ask for is not technically feasible, we will communicate this to you from the very beginning so that you can make the right decisions in the development of your digital product and put the money where it is really needed. Even if that means we make less money (or none at all).
5. Agility in development
In most cases, we work on a single project at a time. We avoid meetings as much as possible, encourage the use of email, and iterate in parallel on design reviews and development.
We are efficient with our time and focus on tasks that truly add value.
This allows us to have functional mockups and prototypes available very quickly and at very early stages. And that you, as a client, can validate the solution and provide feedback quickly and easily from the first stages of development.
6. Versatility of the team
We want to be your Swiss Army knife in the development of digital products. To do this, we have learned over the years, and because we are truly curious and multidisciplinary types, to cover practically all aspects of the product creation cycle. We can do internal research, design, prototyping, development, UX writing, illustration, copywriting, photo and video editing... As Don Draper would say, "Sometimes we don't get to choose where our talents lie".
Obviously, and jokes aside, there are things we do better than others... But hey, it wouldn't be the first time that the copy we propose in the mockups (you won't find a single Lorem Ipsum in ours) ends up being maintained in production. In any case, we offer you the possibility of launching your MVP to the market completely autonomously, taking care of everything from design to production.
To this, we can add our adaptability. Being initially a small team has become a strength, but we can also afford to grow punctually if the project's needs or requirements so advise. The opposite is rarely possible.
For projects in which we need external help, although they are less common, we have a good network of collaborators, friendly companies, and trusted professionals for whom we can vouch, and who work with the same quality standards we demand of ourselves.
7. Cutting the middleman
This is something that benefits us all. We don't want to work for an agency that ends up hiring us to do the same job we could do directly for you or your company, while taking a good portion of the project's profits without adding any value. And you don't need to pay an overpriced product whose real cost doesn't match what you receive due to commissions and outsourcing of services.
In our experience, jobs through agencies are less motivating due to poor communication between the parties. The "broken telephone" theory is put into practice by not having direct contact with the client, which ultimately affects the quality of the final solution achieved.
Down with commission agents! Let's eliminate the middleman.
8. Probability of innovation
When a large company comes to us, it has already made the first important decision, which is the intention to do things differently. The fact that they don't resort to the classic consulting firm indicates that they are willing to take some risk, to want to travel on less predictable paths, and with a greater open-mindedness than can be expected in more corporate environments.
Our way of operating is closer to that of a startup, in which assuming a slightly greater risk (by opting for the unknown), we can provide more disruptive or innovative ideas compared to the always more conservative and corporate consulting firms, where the chain of command and hierarchical decision-making sometimes discourages the originality of proposals.
In short, if you're looking for an innovative and differential solution, the opportunity cost of doing it within a company like ours will be much smaller. And we can do what we love most, which is designing and creating new products.
9. Budget
We won't be the ones to say that our services are cheap. We love big budgets because they usually allow us to do greater things. And generally, our clients are aware that a robust and quality solution requires a good budget.
But obviously, our costs are much lower, per project, than hiring a company with a more complex labor structure. We're talking about companies with product managers, software analysts, quality assurance, business strategists, relationship managers, CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, and offices in different latitudes... what can we tell you that you don't already know. You just saved a lot of money by hiring us. In fact, it turns out that we're a steal.
Still, it's always worth remembering, future client: the higher your budget, the better solutions we can build for your company, and the happier we'll all be in the process. And that always shows in the result. Here and in Rajasthan.
10. Establish long-lasting relationships
And finally, while the violins play in the background, and if you're not already feeling the spark by now, there's little more we can offer you... Our ultimate goal is not to deliver a single turnkey project and forget about you. Our mission is to be your technological providers or partners, and to have this relationship last as long as possible.
That's why we have so few clients. And many of them have been with us since we founded the company over 10 years ago. It's something that benefits us all.
Knowing a client in-depth helps everything flow much more easily and saves time on the onboarding of each of the projects we carry out for them. In addition, knowing their business, in many cases, in-depth, makes it easier for us to better understand their needs and offer better solutions.
Do you already feel the tingle? We'll be happy to meet and hear about your idea or project. The first meeting is important because it can be the beginning of a beautiful relationship...