Technology innovation workshops and consultancy
We have recently incorporated a new service into our studio: technological and strategic consultancy sessions. These are joint exploration workshops with the client where we first gather their needs, deficiencies, difficulties, and challenges. Based on this information, we provide advice on possible technological solutions and digital products that can help address these pains and improve their business. These solutions can include custom developments, pluggable tools, or even low-code or no-code solutions.
The need for innovation
Most companies nowadays are eager for new ideas that, supported by technology and innovative and creative solutions, allow them to develop different areas of their businesses, solve specific problems, or create new business opportunities.
The main problem they face is the scarcity of companies like ours, where we dedicate a significant amount of time and effort to researching new tools, languages, technologies, and their practical applications.
In our case, we invest many resources in developing tools and small utilities that solve specific problems. We create prototypes and even complete platforms to experiment and test the latest technology.
In recent times, advancements in areas such as AI occur at a rapid pace, with drastic changes and significant breakthroughs being announced from month to month. Companies are internally unable to keep up with all these advancements and figure out how to apply them to improve their operations and daily functioning.
Getting up to date through workshops
Thanks to this curiosity and initially at the request of some of our clients, we started conducting these workshops/consultancies where we act as technological facilitators and providers of actionable technical ideas to enhance or boost their businesses.
In their most basic format, these workshops function as innovation laboratories where we search for solutions to specific and real problems and needs through workshops.
In these workshops, we explore the client's current needs and challenges together, evaluate new formats, tools, and available solutions on the market or possible custom developments that can help solve these problems, as well as how to integrate such solutions into their business.
These sessions are not necessarily aimed at finding a single solution to develop. Rather, they offer a range of possible solutions and present the state of the art of current technology. This way, the client can more easily decide how to plan their deployment, establish phases, and outline their own roadmap by incorporating new tools into their business in the short and medium term.
What we will and won't cover
In these sessions, we will discuss things such as:
- Possible uses and applications of artificial intelligence for your business
- Generation and use of synthetic voice
- Creation of AI-powered chatbots
- Conversational tools based on GPT
- Complex content management
- Geolocation, geofencing, NFC…
- Automations
- Accessibility
- APIs and integrations with third-party platforms…
It is highly unlikely that we will discuss, because they probably won't help solve any specific problems in your business, topics such as Web3, metaverse, NFTs, or cryptocurrencies. The "smoke and mirrors" workshop, which hopefully you've learned to avoid by now, is in another department. We're sure you understand…
The consultancy in detail
Phase 1: Initial interview and data collection
To conduct these sessions, we usually need to interview the person(s) responsible for the department requesting the consultancy. This may vary depending on the type of business, the area to explore, or the required solution. Typically, profiles in technology, marketing, communication, product, or business development may be involved.
Phase 2: Research and solution exploration
Once we have collected the preliminary information and based on the initial interview, we will investigate and document possible applications, uses, or specific developments that can offer a solution to the gathered needs and problems. The goal is to generate a list of viable and creative actions to achieve the desired results.
Phase 3: Joint session and evaluation
Subsequently, we will arrange an in-person session with the client. We will present the technological solutions we have selected after the preliminary research. We will explain the underlying technology, the benefits and opportunities of adopting it, and the challenges to be tackled in each case (related to personnel, culture, organization, etc.). We will subject the proposals to scrutiny and, together with the client, evaluate the pros and cons to refine the value proposition.
Phase 4: Report generation and final presentation
Based on the feedback provided during this session, we can prepare a report that further develops and details the solution that best suits the client's specific needs. The outcome of this exploration will be consolidated into a dossier that will be delivered to the client and presented in a final session, along with practical insights and the adoption of concrete measures, either for immediate execution or for inclusion in their future roadmap.
Upon client request, this report may also include a possible non-binding and purely indicative proposal, including solution deployment, budget ranges, time estimates, teams and profiles involved, tasks related to the new operation, etc. In essence, a set of actionable insights that facilitate decision-making for the company, but not necessarily tied to the development or implementation itself.
If you are interested in this type of consultancy for your business, do not hesitate to contact us for more information.