Texts, thoughts & crosstalks

Our blog is a canvas where we share our passion for crafting unique digital products and dive deep into the wellsprings of creativity. Let's explore, learn, and innovate together.

Articles about Business

2024: Our year in review

A quick look at 2024, the year of productivity and automations in the studio, and some goals for 2025.
Ilustración de sartén con bacon y huevos

We bring the bacon to your business

Do you need a fully committed and expert team to support you in bringing your business idea to life? Keep reading.
Ilustración robot con una gorra que pone AI y un mandil de herramientas y una caja que pone GPT

How to integrate Artificial Intelligence into your business: a guide for small businesses

We'll tell you about the range of solutions available to start working with AI in your company.
Ilustración del diseño de una cabina de adivinación

How to manage the elaboration of proposals and accept rejection

We'll tell you about our approach to handling proposals and minimizing the effects of rejection.
Ilustración de un cohete surcando el espacio

ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence Course for Businesses

Through this course, we provide you with practical and real examples to apply in your company and unlock new business opportunities.
Coffee portafilters

Use artificial intelligence in your business to transform data into answers

An immediate application of AI in the real world is the ability to interact with documents and proprietary information to generate outcomes.
Ilustración de un robot genérico con luces en el frontal, antena y bombilla en la cabeza

Exploration, critical analysis, and opportunities of the use of AI

Operational and ethical considerations about the use of artificial intelligence and how they impact our work
Ilustración mujer en aeropuerto avanzando con la maleta hacia la puerta de embarque

Customer onboarding

What will be the phases when you hire the design and development of a project with us? We'll explain the complete roadmap
Illustration of a cenital view of a computer desktop, with a keyboard, a monitor, a cellphone and a cup of coffee

Technology innovation workshops and consultancy

Empowering businesses for the future through technology and innovation workshops.
Viñetas de comic de explorador perdido en el desierto leyendo un mapa y vineta contigua con brújula, cuerda, cantimplora y mapa

Why work with a company like Lostium?

We will give you reasons to choose a small studio like ours over traditional consulting firms
Illustration of a chimp covering his face with a hand and the lettering Oh shit, not again above him

Welcome back, dear old blog

After years without a blog, we have decided we have some things to say now, and this will be the place to do it. So first of all, thank you for reading us!